Saturday 3 October 2015

Finding Inspiration

I had an idea to help drive my work forward, creating the lore and game world in which my insect will exist.
The first draft of the lore behind my game is that it takes place on a densely forested planet with an environment similar to the cretaceous period. In this environment insects have grown huge and dominate the majority of the terrain. However, humanoid creatures also exist in this world and live in a small singular colony. Population growth and living resources have become an epic problem throughout the colony and the humanoids have no other choice but to move into new grounds to ensure their survival. In doing so they begin to enrage the dominant insect population, they are moving on their territory. War between insectoid and humanoid erupts and losses grow on each side but the humanoids losses are too great and defeat and near extinction seems inevitable. That is until the humanoids begin to utilise the still in tact carcasses of their fallen enemies. Due to the fact that insects don't have brains reanimating the carcasses for personal use becomes a simple case of stimulating their nervous systems. Now the tide is turning for the human forces as they have the advantage of disguise, to a certain degree, and an equity of fire power.

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