Friday 13 November 2015

Female Soldier & Character Sheet

While doing further work to my soldier and their environment it pointed out to me that my, up until then slender male soldier, possessed a very feminine physique with very wide hips in comparison to to the rest of their body. As well as having a pretty face. Though it was true that I was trying to make my more slender and agile it was apparent that I had also made them very feminine in the process. It was at this point that I decided to switch my character from male to female. As The Tinderbox chracterised them as and not "man" or "women" I thought this switch perefectly plausable. Plus I didn't want to scrap character as I had come to really like my design. Due to the characters wide hips changing their sex was as simple as high-lighting their feminine traits and making a couple of small changes here and there.
With this change and the final designs complete I made my Character Sheet.

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